As one once said
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"
In my early days, i liked to watch my father working on his computer. Replacing components, adding new ones, or building a whole new system from scratch. And as curious i was, i always had questions about every single piece of this fascinating puzzle. What is it? What is it for? How does it work?
Besides watching a computer's guts turned inside out, actually using it was of course fun as well. At that time i stuck to our collection of games.
Plowing through hordes of enemies, armed to the teeth, wasn't really my metier. And it still isn't today. Instead of getting my brains splattered all over the place, i rather used it in adventure / puzzle games.
Exploring the vastness of the internet offered me new worlds, perspectives and opportunities. But the biggest impact on my journey had online multiplayer games. Playing with friends, getting to know new people, competing with them, this was surly good times.
Taking part in multiplayer games almost certainly means also taking part in communities. Clans, Alliances, Guilds,... they all have their means of communications. And although the technology evolved over the years, forums and chats were as relevant back in the day as they are today. Customizing this tools sparked my interest in programming. Started with simple html, through trial and error and the infinite knowledge of the www, i thought myself mostly web based programming languages.
Games came and go, and so changed communities with them. On my journey i met some great people and it usually took months or even years until our ways separated.
It was also the time where i played an open source browser game which gave me the opportunity to create new content for it, thus increasing my skills in php & mysql.
It was round 2011/2012 when i was first introduced to the game "Minecraft". For me a totally new way of creative gaming. And soon it became practically the only online game i played.
I knew it could be a big step for which i should create a new online identity. To avoid being the 100th person with a variation of xXxTheLegend27xXx or something similar, i usually created unique acronyms. But in this case i've gone complacently new route that lead to the birth of "istòÓi".